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Thursday, September 03, 2020

Raffi's Baby Beluga turns 40 - Celebrate and enter to Win

Can you believe it? Baby Beluga, the beloved song by children's artist Raffi is turning 40 this year. I remember singing this with/to my children when they were young. Raffi was one of the few children's artists that I could listen to over and over without wanting to pull my hair out. And 40 years later, I still love listening to Raffi. I look forward to someday (in the distant future) getting to share his songs with my grandchildren. 

Raffi wanted to celebrate with a new video to celebrate little Baby Beluga. Raffi invited parents to submit their child's hand drawn artwork to create this heart-warming music video which features a few animated surprises. The submissions came from children of all ages and ability levels, as well as a few from "BelugaGrads." 

And for Baby Beluga fans everywhere, I'm giving away a copy of the original Baby Beluga CD. Keep reading for your chance to win. 


Enter below to win a copy of the original Baby Beluga CD

1 comment:

bison61 said...

I learned that Raffi in 2006 was awarded the Fred Rogers Integrity Award for this work.

tiramisu392 (at)

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