I’m sure I don’t have to tell
you, it gets old defending the place you call home. Do you get tired of
explaining what exactly is good about
“the good life” to those who say they could never…? To those who are filled
with ill-conceived notions and stereotypes about our day-to-day? What beauties
there are to see and experience?
Like many kids, I knew I’d leave
Nebraska when I grew up. But the days went by and, though there were other
opportunities along the way, I chose to stay. And sometimes there were
circumstances that chose me instead. Which brings me to the parallel metaphor.
Life with my son, Marcus.
It’s not a new idea, the
metaphor of the physical place we find ourselves and our larger fate. So here
we go…
On March 21st we will
celebrate World Down Syndrome Day.
We celebrate because Down syndrome is part
of who Marcus is. Like many families who find themselves in an unexpected place
– it is not about making the best of it; it’s about celebrating the best of it.
What I’d like to share this World
Down Syndrome Day, with those of you who don’t
live in the place we do: It’s not what you think.
Yes, sometimes storms come in
and make life difficult. Like Marcus’ heart surgery when he was still a baby. That
was hard. And there are many beautiful places on this earth, including the
amazing sunsets that linger on the horizon here. Yes, the same sun rises and
sets in our world as yours and my love for my son is no more and no less than
the love any mother can have for their child. I see his beauty, his talents,
his ambitions, and these parts of him are not diminished by Down syndrome. My
biggest disappointments come not from Marcus’ abilities but rather the
limitations of other people to recognize his abilities.
To me, the good life means
preparation: when it’s cold, you put a coat on. The good life means
consideration: please and thank you and working hard is something to be proud
of. The good life means both seeing beauty in the peaceful moments as well as
celebrating with the roar of a crowd.
For us it is also about a
lifetime full of laughter. Marcus’ guiding principal is to make sure the people
around him are happy. It’s nice to live with someone who has other’s happiness as
a top priority.
Yes, Marcus lives with us, so do
6 million other adult children in this country. Like many of them, this is a
choice we have made together. There are options, we chose this one.
It’s not always an easy life.
(Boring!) It’s not the perfect life. (Who has that?)
It is, in fact, quite a good
By day Mardra Sikora balances a
patchwork of community, advocacy, work and family. Also by day she writes. You
can find her antics at www.grownupsanddowns.com,
on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Mardraspage, and her favorite hangout, Twitter: @MardraSikora
1 comment:
Thank you so much for everything you do for me and my family, Robyn, from Marcus' first babysitter to Lovely assistant. You truly are the Best! I love you, Mardra
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