Balloonacy Information:
Date/Time: Jan. 18 - Feb. 1 -- Saturdays at 10:30 am
Additional performance Saturday, Jan. 18 at 4:30 pm
The show is 45 minutes long.
Location: The Rose Theater, 2001 Farnam Street, Hitchcock Stage
Show Specifics: Theater • Pantomime comedy
Tickets: $10 general admission
Call (402) 345-4849 or purchase online at
Rebekah and I got to have a GMO...I'm sure you wonder what that is. Well, a GNO is a Girls Night Out, so we had a GMO--a Girls Morning Out. I had the opportunity to see a preview show of Balloonacy, the new show at The Rose Children's Theater. It's done on the small "Black Box" stage, the Hitchcock Theater. You can read about the show below, but the ages recommended were from 2-8. Since I have a 7 year old, I thought she would be a better critic than me. I did that 'terrible parenting' thing and took her out of school for the morning so we could attend. I wouldn't take her out of school if she was behind, but she's not and I believe a lot more learning happens outside of the classroom. I'm a bit rogue that way.
We had a BALL!!! We went to the show together and she put the money in the parking meter for me. Then after the show, we took our friends from Family Fun in Omaha to peek in at the main stage, then she and I got lunch. She picked Fazoli's since it's not dad's favorite and he couldn't meet us for lunch. Then back to school just as her class was coming back from the lunchroom. (Nice timing--go me!)
Show Summary:
Balloonacy explores the power of friendship. A solitary old man is steadfast in his silent routine until a mischievous balloon finds him and insists on becoming his friend. Through all the ups and downs of a new relationship, the balloon teaches the old man to play again.
This sweet and inventive tale is packed with physical comedy especially suited for very young audiences.
Thoughts from Rebekah, the critic.
(Mom's note: We were at a preview show with four classrooms of head start preschool aged kids. Keeping in mind it was about 5 kids to 1 adult, we had a great panel to help review the show.)
Rebekah liked the show from the start. She wasn't sure the kids should be shouting things at the character of the old man, but as soon as he 'saw' the audience, she started laughing (because she knows that isn't normally done in theater) and started shouting her encouragement as well.
I especially liked her 7 year old wisdom, "Mom, these preschool kids don't know when you are told to raise your hands, you need to wait to be called on before shouting out your answer." Because she's SOOOO much older then them. (Insert mom laughing and trying to pretend it's just a cough.)

It's geared towards young people, but anyone who was ever a child will enjoy it as well.
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