Rebekah and I had the chance to review "Can't-Wait Willow!" from Shine Bright Kids and Ideals Books. The goal of the book is to teach how important it is to learn patience and that we need to make the best choices. A great message for any age (I even learned a little myself). Rebekah read this to herself, then she read it to me, then the book vanished. I couldn't find it anywhere. I've been hunting it down to post this review and forgot to ask her where she might have hidden it.
Well, today, I'm cleaning up around the house and find a pile of books on the living room couch. Recently, she's taken to reading on this couch and she will even bring down stuffed animals and blankets at time to really make it a cozy nook for her. Sorting through the books, look what I found. I thought it really shares how much she loves this book that it is in her favorite reading spot where she can read it all the time. The book is really that engaging.
And, for my readers, keep reading to find out how you can win a copy of Can't-Wait Willow! for someone in your life or buy it from a retailer.
From the publisher:
Can't-Wait Willow! tells the story of Willow and her adventure to the much-anticipated circus. Willow just can't say 'no' to tempting treats and fun along the way and runs out of time and money to miss the show. Luckily she is given a second chance and the invaluable advice that sometimes you need to say 'no' to good things in order to end up with the best. For more information and additional parenting resources, games and free reward charts, visit http://www.ShineBrightKids.com.
The Shine Bright Kids stories provide parents with a relevant context to have meaningful conversations about making good choices, life skills, values and character. The principles explored include setting goals, prioritizing, using good judgment, taking responsibility, demonstrating perseverance, self control andhaving a positive attitude.
Note from Author, Christy Ziglar: In the words of my uncle, legendary motivator, Zig Ziglar, “The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want the most for what you want now.” In our hectic, instant-gratification world, how often do we take the time to talk with our children about what is most important? If we don’t have a clear direction for where our lives are going and what our priorities are, like Willow, we can easily become distracted and taken off-course. We may end up settling for ‘good enough’ instead of making the extra effort to achieve ‘GREAT!’ Look for teachable moments in everyday life and help your children learn to make the choices that will allow them to reach their true potential and shine their very brightest!
I really appreciated the additional information and activities provided by Shine Bright Kids for families to be able to connect the story to life. Here are their suggestions for Bringing it home:
Bringing It Home
1. Create a Family Mission Statement - Consider developing your own Family Mission Statement, a one to two sentence vision that describes what your family is all about, e.g., “our home will be a place of love, honesty, respect and laughter,” or “we will view each day as a new adventure and look for ways to love others while always doing our best.” It’s a fantastic way to come together and make sure that each family member has a clear understanding of the core values that your family holds most dear.
2. Set Goals Together - Talk about your dreams and what’s most important as a family. Set some specific goals and write them down. Some can be fun and some can be serious. Some can be for the next day and some might take weeks or months to achieve. The younger your children are in age, keep goals short-term (for today or by the end of the week). As your children mature, help them begin to think farther into the future and set goals that are weeks, months and even years ahead. Review them frequently (consider making a Shine Bright Star Chart) and don’t forget to celebrate when a milestone is reached!
3. Talk About Everyday Choices - Life is all about the choices we make and every decision has a future consequence. Consider taking a few moments at bed time or first thing in the morning to talk about the day ahead. Review activities and make a list of responsibilities, then help prioritize them. Plan your family’s schedule around the activities and people that are consistent with your values and goals.
Win a copy of Can't-Wait Willow! for
someone in your life!
Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own and no other compensation was given.
Looks like a great book to read. Hope I win!
I'd like to win this for my two nieces who love books.Thank you :)
Ahhh books, they are a love over here and I hope will always be.
I'd like to win this book for my grand kids!
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