Volunteerism is important to my family. We have all
participated in various volunteer activities. Some I do with my family and some
I do alone. One way I volunteer is by working at The Children's Theater Boutique. I
help sell toys and give away bracelets and suckers to the Children members. This
benefits by not only letting the kids have fun things to play with, it also
helps to make sure that every second grader in the state can see
live theater. The Boutique pays for every second grader to go to The Children's Theater or
see a traveling caravan live theater performance. Another way I volunteer is by
helping to set up at Autism Society events and by preparing
things for the events at home. I have helped prepare for the Autism Puzzle
Walks, stuffing bags for events and helping with brochures and registrations at
events. In addition, I help volunteer at my church and at church events. I help
with setup and cleanup at events; I help by participating in puppet shows and
skits. I also help at Christmas time by setting up and decorating the church
and putting it away after Christmas. I also help pack shoeboxes for Operation
Christmas Child which sends a box of toys, supplies and love to a needy child
Sometimes, I will volunteer to be a leader. I do this by
setting a good example in class and in the halls. Being a good example is
important because when everybody follows your good examples, then everything is
almost perfect. I also like to uphold the teacher’s classroom rules. I do my
best to follow and obey classroom and school rules. I have been a leader by
being in Student Council once in 4th grade. We went to each of the
classrooms to sell candy canes and Smencils and used the money for our school.
We also helped make posters for events and had a spirit store to raise money to
purchase a mascot for the school. I attended all the meetings and I gave my
ideas to help the school. Finally, I have been a leader by my volunteering in
the community. It is such a simple thing and nobody seems to do it. I set a
good example by volunteering and it encourages other people to volunteer as
well. Kids are led because one of their friends is doing something good and the
adults are led because a kid can do it and they never do.

I hope you have realized that I am a great kid for the
role of Student Council member. I will promise to do my best to lead others to
good and school-worthy things. I will volunteer whenever I can and keep those
ideas flowing. Working with the other people on Student council, I would be an
amazing part of the Student Council team. So please give Nathan the
opportunity to help out my school by letting me be on Student Council.
1 comment:
LOVE this " adults are led because a kid can do it and they never do. "
AND - "I have great ideas for Student Council due to my epic creativity.”
Yea Nathan! How could they NOT pick you?
Keep rockin' it!
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