I can't speak highly enough of this novel and its powerful impact on me. My son (middle-school) is now reading it. The history is deep and rich, but woven into the story in a way that you don't fully realize that you are learning about history. The story is compelling, heart-pounding and page turning. I couldn't put it down and read it cover to cover in one sitting. It was that good.
On a 5 star rating, I give Alone, Yet Not Alone 5 of 5 stars. Tracy Leininger Craven has crafted one of the best-written novels for young adults that I've ever read. I can't wait to see the movie based on the book (opens Sept. 27--see below to find a theater near you).
From the publisher:
About Alone Yet Not Alone (novelization):Settled in the Blue Mountains of Pennsylvania, deep within America's new frontier, the Leininger family celebrates the blessings of a beautiful homestead and bountiful harvest. That is, until tragedy strikes with the beginning of the French and Indian War and the devastating raid known as the Penn's Creek Massacre.
The lives of this simple, God-fearing family are forever altered when Barbara and Regina, two young sisters, are carried away by the Delaware tribe. Driven by their faith in God and the powerful bonds of family, Barbara and Regina hold firmly to the belief that they are never alone, even in their darkest hour, and that they will be reunited again.
Rich in historical details, Alone Yet Not Alone is an inspirational, true story of a family caught in the cross fire of the French and Indian War.
About The Author: Tracy Leininger Craven loves history and retelling real-life stories in her historical fiction books. She also loves spending her free time in the great outdoors with her husband David and their four children.
About Alone Yet Not Alone (THE MOVIE):
Releases in theaters Sept 27th, 2013 - Find a Theater Here
Families will love this film based on a true story! Awarded 5 Doves from the Dove Foundation!
Starring: Kelly Greyson, Natalie Racoosin, Clay Walker, Jenn Gotzon, Joanie Stewart, Ozzie Torres, Tony Wade.
Movie Twitter: https://twitter.com/AYNAthemovie
Movie Website: http://www.aloneyetnotalone.com
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Would you like to win a copy of the book, Alone Yet Not Alone? Enter using the form below.
Disclaimer: I was given a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
As an Alaskan I have took many classes on Alaska Native history and love hearing and reading about the 1800s in Alaska history.
You had to ask a question about History....!! Sorry but i was in to Math & numbers, lucky to remember yesterday forget anything farther back in time, sad right :)
I love the Henry VIII period -- the dresses and the life is so fascinating!
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