Since schools across the country are winding down for the year, I wanted to share the single greatest secret weapon you have to retaining knowledge and learning over the summer....
Read with your child.
No magic formula, no worksheets or textbooks or tests. Just read. Keeping the printed word in front of your child (or reading to those too young to read for themselves) does more to boost academic achievement, improve test scores, retain information learned over the past year and it also increases vocabulary. And we aren't talking major amounts of reading. If your child is preschool aged or younger, 15 minutes a day will do. For elementary children, 20 minutes. Middle school and high school 25-40 minutes a day.
And for the younger ones (and early elementary), I ran across an article based on the Johnson & Keier book, "Catching Readers Before They Fail," that gives some excellent insight into ways to boost comprehension and reading skills.

Ask questions about what you just read. If you don't know what to ask, try some of these questions:
- Does this book remind you of anything?
- Were there any parts that surprised you?
- What have you been wondering as you (I, we) read?
- What did you notice about the story?
- Does this book make you think of anything else you've read?
- What was your favorite part?
- What are you going to read next?
I firmly believe in the power of reading. According to Child Trends Databank, young children who are read to regularly by family members...{have} boosts in literacy development, as well as social-emotional gains, and increased likelihood of later overall school success. We've heard it said that Readers are Leaders...and I believe it's true.
Do do yourself and your children a favor. Over the summer--read. Need motivation? Check your local library to see if they offer a summer reading program. Also, be sure to check out the Barnes and Noble Summer Reading program to find out how to earn a free book.
So get ready, get set....READ!
I loved reading to my children when they were little and now I love reading to my grand children.oreawag
I didn't know that Barnes and Noble had a reading program! That's great! Thanks for the questions to ask while reading!
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