I worked really hard all summer long to Cherish, Be Engaged in what we were doing and to Give to my children the most precious gift I have--my time. We had a whizz-bang summer of fun that I need to blog about so my far-flung family can see what we've been up to. But I needed to Give myself one more summer, one more day, one more precious hour with all of my babies.
One friend told me we should Savor these times of transition. (Incidentally, I think I found my word for 2012.) During this transition, I've put the blog on the back burner. And now, I am going to have the opportunity to re-live and rejoice in the fun we had this summer. I'm back. I'm putting together giveaways for this fall and into Christmas. I'm looking at some exciting interviews I may get to do and post here. I've got family events to share. Lots of things are in the works, but I'm happy that I took time to Give to my family. I truly Cherish our summer of relaxing and doing fun stuff and doing no stuff. I was Engaged with my kids. And I Savor the time we had together this summer.
Hello Blogger, my old friend, I've come to talk with you again,And it is silent here. Everyday so quiet and still. It's exciting, sad, joyous and scary all at the same time. But I think I can adjust...because when school gets out, I find that chaos all over again.
Because a vision softly creeping, Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was planted in my brain,
Still remains, within the sound of silence.
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