My boys have terrible penmanship. Let's just be honest. So when I was asked if I wanted to review a penmanship workbook, I was all over it!!! Nathan uses the Handwriting Without Tears system and I was so surprised to find out that was a penmanship book option from Bogart Family Resources. Andrew (and next year Rebekah) use the Zane Bloser writing method.
I was able to download a Zane Bloser book for Andrew to work with and a Handwriting Without Tears book for Nathan. What I was drawn to was the scriptures involved and the ability to pick things with a Christian flair. In particular, the All Things Bright and Beautiful book had scriptures to go with the stanzas of the song plus color pages and more.

With the copywork books priced between $2.95 to $4.95, it's an excellent resource not only for homeschooling families, but also for parents who want to help their children improve or stay on top of handwriting. I'm thinking of getting more for summer vacation.
**Mandatory Entry**
Check out Bogart Family Resources online and let me know which copybook would be your first choice (this is the book you will receive if you win).
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@Coolestmommy has a Penmanship Book #giveaway you can #win. Ends 5/16
•Giveaway ends Monday, May 16, 2011
•Winners will be chosen via Random.Org. and contacted by email
•Winners will have 48 hours to respond to the email or another winner will be chosen
• Open to addresses Worldwide
This is a Mama Buzz Review. I was provided a copy of the copybook to try and no other compensation was given. The opinions expressed are solely my own.
I like the Copying the hymns one. I am not really clear what level he would would be for 10 year old..his handwriting is AWFUL! My only thought is...maybe he'll be a doctor???
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