Ever wished you had a few recent photos of your kids, pets or spouse to show your friends? I found the perfect product to help with keeping current photos readily available in your purse. It's a pink digital photo keychain from Wholesale Keychain.
1.5 inch 128x128 LCD display;
- 4.8 MB internal memory which can store about 72 pictures;
- Manual and automatic photo slide show
- Manual switch between photo and time display
- Photo format: JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF;
- Photo size automatically cut by software.
- Time display
- Photo View Software included allows input/output of photos
- Built-in rechargeable battery
- USB cable also included
- Available in Black and Pink (and a similar one in red is available for a limited time)
I really like this keychain. It's amazingly clear in displaying photos and I can't believe such a tiny thing shows off my kiddos so well. It was fairly easy to use, but the directions were severely lacking. It really just took me playing around with the keychain and software in order to make it work. It's fairly intuitive software and once you figured out the basics, it was a piece of cake.
I thought this was an inexpensive way to give grandparents and other special people a nice photo display. I alos thought of weddings and that this would make a nice gift to the bridesmaids/groomsmen if you loaded with some photos of you and the attendant. This particular keychain is only $9.99 so it's fairly inexpensive.
Want to win a Pink Digital Photo Keychain??
**Mandatory Entry**
Visit Wholesale Keychain.com and tell me your favorite product on the site.
PLEASE NOTE: You do not have to be a blogger to enter this contest, but you must leave a way for me to contact you. Use the anonymous comment form to enter and leave an email.
*You MUST do the mandatory entry! All bonus entries will be deleted if it's not done first!*
**Bonus Entries**
{Leave separate comments for each entry}
1. Follow me publicly on Google Friend Connect (current followers, too) {1 entry}
2. Subscribe to my blog {1 entry}
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4. Add my blog to your blog roll/sidebar {1 entry}
5. Email three friends with the link to this giveaway inviting them to enter. Remember to cc me at coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com {2 entries}
6. Tweet about this giveaway {can be done once per day} {1 entry per tweet} You can use this:
@Coolestmommy has a #giveaway of a Digital Photo Keychain you can #win. Ends 10/29 http://bit.ly/9ZVJ8l
•Giveaway ends Friday, October 29, 2010
•Winner will be chosen via Random.Org. and contacted by email
•Winner will have 48 hours to respond to the email or another winner will be chosen
• Open to addresses in the United States
Disclosure: This Product Was a Free Giveaway
Sponsored by Tomoson.com
I would get the pepper spray keychain.
tahearn at roadrunner dot com
I follow you on twitter.
tahearn at roadrunner dot com
I have always wanted one of these. But I also like the football team keychains!!
I follow you....EVERYWHERE! :-)
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I like the mr.potato head keychain
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I like the pepper spray keychain.
hillaryanna at yahoo dot com
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hillaryanna at yahoo dot com
I tweeted http://twitter.com/Hillary82/status/26856364332
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I like the Butterfly keychain.
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The Hungry Hungry Hippos keychain is cute
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I love the boggle keychain!
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My favorite is the Bop It Carabiner. How great would that be to have for the kiddos to play with while waiting in line, or when they are just acting up. Fun giveaway - thank you for the chance to win! :)
tyson 2468 (at) charter (dot) net
Blog follower via gfc! Heidi McMahon
tyson 2468 (at) charter (dot) net
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