Here we are in Back To School season and I have the cutest book for young people off to school. At first I thought it would be for kindergarten only, but it applied for my preschooler as well as my third grader.
Facts from the publisher:
Synopsis: Join Ruby on her way to school and see the world her mom cannot see. In an old house, she spies bats with red eyes peering out and scary witches that flit about. And these aren’t the only dangers on her path: tigers, crocodiles and mighty beasts abound! "I must be brave, I must be strong," chants Ruby as she musters the nerve to scare them off; but will it work?
ISBN: 978-1-84686-275-5
Price: $16.99
Ages: 4-7
Order at
My thoughts:
We all enjoyed this book at our house. The pictures are captivating and while showing 'scary' thoughts in a whimsical way. The alliteration and rhyming is attention getting and makes the story incredibly fun. I loved the way Ruby is certain of the monsters and tigers on the walk, even though her mother tries to tell her she's just imagining things. Her mantra of, "I must be brave I must be strong" was one that kids can pick up upon and relate to. Then, at school, the mother comes up with crazy imaginings to help Ruby get excited to stay at school. Overall, I felt this was a great book for all young children who are about to go to school.
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Disclosure: This is a Mama Buzz review. Barefoot Books provided the book for this review. All opinions are my own and providing me with the product does not affect my review.
Driving My Tractor looks like a fun book for my little farm boy!
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I would have trouble deciding which books....
1) The Real Princess: A Mathemagical Tale
2) The Barefoot Book of Stories from the Opera
3) The Barefoot Book of Earth Tales
i would think
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