My Current Giveaways

Keep watching--more coming soon!

Friday, June 18, 2010

One Hundred Follower Frenzy (and $10 GC Giveaway)

I'm so excited to see so many people becoming 'friends' with our blog using Google Friend Connect. Now that we've reached 50 followers, I'm looking to push on to 100. When we reach 100 followers, I'll be sending out a $10 gift card to a lucky follower.

How do you enter this giveaway?
Simple---follow publicly using Google Friend Connect. (Use the button on the left sidebar of the blog.)

When we reach 100 followers, I'll draw a name out of the list of all followers and that person will win a $10 Gift Card. Depending on whether the winner is in the US or is located internationally will affect what gift card I will send. I'll work with the winner to get something that can be used in their corner of the world.

Send your friends and let's have a Follower Frenzy!!!

If you follow me and I'm not following you, please leave a comment and I'll follow your blog, too.


Lisa Noel said...

thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm now following you also.

And an extra big thank you for the prayers for our mission team!!!


The Cummings Family said...

I'm following your blog! Wanna follow me? :)

Shooting Stars Mag said...

I follow you. Feel free to follow me if you wish. :)

lauren51990 at aol dot com

drmomof2 said...

I follow you

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

I follow you!

sohamolina said...


I follow you and invited a fried to follow u as well.

Ginny said...

Good luck on reaching 100, I'm a new follower

Ginny said...

Oops, I'm sorry I'm not new. I've been following you :)

Anonymous said...

i am a gfc follower

MommyOf3GirlsInSTL said...

GFC follower :)

Gosfam said...

new follower

tarter95 said...

Now following you.
tarter95 at hotmail dot com

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