Like my title?? Thought it would grab attention.
First off, nope...not pregnant. Under the advice of my OB/GYN and other medical professionals, this body is not allowed to carry any more babies. My OB told me my body has officially told me to quit. So I have.

What makes me laugh is that he had to think about it. WHAT?!?!? I told him there's only a year and a half before our last baby goes out the door to school. Don't blow the opportunity to eat lunch with her every day and to be able to take a 'coffee break' for ten minutes to read her a bedtime story and kiss her before her nap. That helped cement the decision. Once he applied, the official status went through in less than four hours.
We've spent the last couple weeks juggling our home office and rearranging it. We've been getting ready for a new phone line, separate cable modem line and setting up his desk. It will be nice to know that Rebekah can go to sleep and I won't have to wake her up to pick up carpools. Andrew won't have to watch her when Nathan has his appointments. And since he really is working during the day, he mostly stays upstairs and I stay downstairs so there's still breathing room for each of us.
I've really enjoyed his 2-3 days a week at home. It's nice to have an adult to converse with and while I don't ask him to do 'house chores' during the's nice to know he can change a burnt out light bulb or reach stuff in the cabinets that I need a step-stool to reach.
I'll keep you posted as time goes by, but I'm really happy to have him working from home.
Your Husband and My Husband should do lunch some time. Don has been a telecommuter since 1995. :]
P.S. I don't think my body is allowed to house another baby either. lol :]
I want to thank the blogger very much not only for this post but also for his all previous efforts. I found to be greatly interesting. I will be coming back to for more information.
I would like to say for the record, the picture above is not my actual desk, mine isn't that neat.
Whoo hoo - great news.
I'm not having another baby either. Have one.
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