Since this was my baseline mammo, I was warned that a great majority of first-timers get called back to double check the slightest thing. They want a good, strong, accurate baseline.
So I got the call to say, "There's a small area of undetermined concern on the mammo. We want you to come back for additional views and an ultrasound to make sure it's nothing." Went in a week later for quite the ride.
Keep in mind I believe fully in the healing power of God. I know health and healing is His will. I had no nerves about anything until the night before and day of the follow-up. Of course, Rebekah didn't feel totally well that night so Sean was up with her until 3-3:30 and I took the 3am onward shift. I slept in 15 minute snatches while she watched more TV than kids should be allowed. It was a hard night with a lot of 'what if's' that I was trying to pray through.
I went in for the follow up and after the mammo, they still wanted an ultrasound because there was definitely a mass. The ultrasound tech told me that surely I could feel this. Hmmm---maybe since I hardly ever do a BSE it's a little hard to feel. I promised her I would do better.
The radiologist came in to talk with me and there is a mass there. He is convinced it's a benign mass (thank God) and it's very common in women my age. I've opted for the recommended course of action which is to wait for 6 months and do this again to make sure there are no changes. I could have a biopsy done on it, but he assured me there's not one thing that looks cancerous or suspicious about it and I don't feel the need to poke needles into my body unless it appears to be needed.
That evening, both Sean & I tried hard to feel this tiny mass. While both of us could tell there's a difference in the tissue between the breasts, neither one of us could feel the small mass. I'm reminded why we are told mammos save lives.

I've learned a lesson and hope all women will learn from what I didn't do. I did not know the new guidelines are to start a BSE at age 20. Age twenty?!?! Now I know and will make sure my daughter knows, too. I want everyone to get going with their BSE before they have a scary incident. And go get your boobies squished. It really wasn't that bad and it's only once a year for most women. Do it for yourself, your family and to possibly save your life.
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