Welcome to day two of our snow days. We've already gotten 'the call' that tomorrow will be an additional day off. Due to road conditions and many areas not being plowed, school is cancelled. It's also to keep kids safe who have to walk to school. Since roads aren't plowed, people are waiting to shovel walks so kids would have to walk in streets to get to school. Maybe Friday we'll go to school.

This morning, Andrew got a photo of the thermometer outside. It was already up to 0 degrees. We were under zero overnight so we were happy to see a positive temp.

This morning, Andrew got a photo of the thermometer outside. It was already up to 0 degrees. We were under zero overnight so we were happy to see a positive temp.

Here's the neighbors behind us with their drifted backyard. If you click on the photo to enlarge it, you'll notice the drift goes over the seat of the one deck chair. In the far left corner of the deck is another deck chair that is covered almost to the top of the chair.

Here's the view from our front door where it drifted about 3 feet high.

Andrew was invited to go play inside across the street. Sean went to shovel a path to the street for him and this drift was in front of our garage. We measured with the yard stick and it's 20.5" tall.

Here's the rest of the drift getting taller. Then Sean is cutting a path through it with the snowblower.

Here's the start of the path and Andrew following Sean to the street. Eventually the wind died and Sean went back and blew the entire driveway and sidewalks. He even helped the neighbor dig out since the end of their drive was drifted shut as well.

Here's the rest of the drift getting taller. Then Sean is cutting a path through it with the snowblower.

Here's the start of the path and Andrew following Sean to the street. Eventually the wind died and Sean went back and blew the entire driveway and sidewalks. He even helped the neighbor dig out since the end of their drive was drifted shut as well.
We didn't have movies today, but the boys watched several things they have on Tivo so we could clear up some space. We did play cards, several rousing rounds of duck duck goose and I baked a batch of cookies for the kids.
We'll see how tomorrow goes. I have to go volunteer in the afternoon/evening. Part of me hopes they cancel me out. Then I could have another whole snow day.
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