Nathan got to go to the "Bouncy House" for an Autism Society Christmas Party. His brother had too much homework and Rebekah wasn't feeling 100% so Sean stayed with them and Nathan & Mom got to have a good time.
Nathan took a minute out of jumping to sit on Santa's lap and tell him what he wants for Christmas. I hope Santa listened well since I couldn't hear a think over the noise of the inflatables.
I even got to go down a slide with Nathan and race with him in an obstacle course. (He won since he had to keep stopping and coming back to help me.) Then I got the shots above while he was shooting hoops in the basketball inflatable.
When we were done jumping, there were snacks and crafts and Santa gave all the children a couple gifts. Nathan picked a paddle ball and a dinosaur in an egg. We made a Christmas tree ornament and had yummy snacks.

Here we are working on crafts.

Someone took this one right after I took a big bite of cookie. UGH! At least it proves I do exist in my children's lives. :-)
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