Then I went to the Libby's website, http://www.getbacktothetable.com/ and learned how Libby's is partnering with Feeding America to help food banks across the country. Due to increased demands on local food banks and a decrease in giving, many food banks are unable to meet the needs of those who need food. This year, more than ever, they are seeing children in need of food and have to turn them away.
Children caught my attention. I know what our local food bank does to make sure kids keep eating. It breaks my heart to hear that children are being turned away from some food banks. Then I read more about the Libby's program and decided to give some support there.
Read what I found on the website (below). Did you see that $5 provides 35 meals. That is 7 meals per dollar. I looked through the information and instead of creating a new team page, I donated through the "5 Minutes for Mom" team page. Even if you choose not to donate through this program, I urge you to put a few extra things in your cart during each grocery store trip. Donate those few things to your local food bank or homeless shelter. A few extra cans doesn't make a large hole in your budget, but helps feed families this winter.
From the Get Back to the Table Website:
"This holiday season, Libby’s Vegetables is launching the first-ever team-based Virtual Canned Food Drive to support Feeding America and the increased demand on its network food banks. Families who raise $1,000 or more for Feeding America will get their pantries stocked up with a year’s supply of canned vegetables from Libby’s - we’ll send you 200 coupons so you can choose
your favorite Libby’s vegetables! In addition, Libby’s Vegetables will match up to $30,000 of donations raised by December 13, 2009, to total 350,000 meals for needy families.GET STARTED TODAY and support families in need in your community! Simply click HERE ...to create your own page, support a friend or give to the cause. Every $5 raised provides 35 meals for needy families."
Hello Coolest Mommy! I'm waiting for you to send me a note on Facebook or a quick e-mail letting me know what your full name and mailing address is so I can get your Jonny Diaz CD to you. You are one of the winners of that Giveaway. :)
My mom works at a shelter & food bank. Their donations are halved and their clientele has doubled. When someone asks for help with diapers, they get 6. For the month. Can you even imagine?
Wow, Beth!! I can't imagine getting through one DAY on 6 diapers let alone a month. And how heart-wrenching it must be to work there and have to limit quantities like that.
Makes me realize (again) how truly blessed I am. Also makes me realize that it is the little things that make the biggest impact. Every can of food and every diaper and every dollar really does count and really does make a difference.
Thanks for sharing--it puts the humanity back into the situation.
This report on wasted food will make you sick.
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