Have you seen these bushes? Most of the year they are a terribly boring, plain green bush. You wouldn’t notice them, they don’t stand out. But when it’s fall, they change to the most magnificent red color and you can spot them from miles away. I drive around and my kids now know the litany as I say, “Look, there’s another burning bush.”

I don’t know about you, but I find that to be good news. Knowing that God used Moses with all his flaws to do something great. Even though Moses had killed a man, wasn’t a great speaker and was uncertain that he could do what God asked, God used him. It reminds me of myself and all my faults and how I’ve been entrusted with my children anyway. God is using me to raise these children even though I’m often too quick with my tongue, often inept at what I’m doing and some days I really don’t want the job. Burning bushes remind me that God can use me, just as I am, to do what He needs done. It also reminds me that God loves me just as I am and is using me right here with my family and friends. So the next time you see a burning bush, remember that God has called you just as you are, to this time and to this place, and remember that even with all of your faults, God is using you. Most of all, remember that God doesn’t use perfect people, but he does use people perfectly for His plans.

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