A big shout out and thanks to Cheryl St.John for giving me a Kreativ Blogger award. I knew an award winning author and blogger as "my BFF" would pay off someday.
The rules for the award are:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people may not know.
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each.
Seven things you may not know about me (I was in a kid mood when I typed this up):
1. Rebekah & I have the same middle name...it's also my dad's name and my grandpa's name.
2. Andrew did not have a name (boy name) until I was hard into false labor a few days before he was born. I was convinced he was a girl, so Cassandra would have been his name.
3. Sean bribed the ultrasound tech at Nathan's ultrasound. He brought her a Snickers bar and told her we weren't going anywhere until we knew girl or boy.
4. I had planned a "My Three Sons" birth announcement until the perinatologist told us, "It's a girl!"
5. I stood in my underwear in front of 600 people. (It was a play and they were ugly granny panties.)
6. My degree is in Theatre--Acting Emphasis.
7. My degree has sat unused for years and years, but it comes in handy when reading bedtime stories to my children...I can do voices. :-)
I'm giving this award to:
1. Sherilyn of Park Place
2. Jennifer at Beauty instead of Ashes
3. Beth at Keesler Chaos
4. Tiffani at Child's Play (found her when searching for 2E blogs)
5. Holly at Embracing the Chaos
6. Jenny at iCraft
7. McLovin at Bored Penguin (He hasn't posted for a while, but start at the beginning of the blog and work forward. He's a jet-setter with a sense of humor.)
thanks Robyn :)
Hey, I can beat that late to name the kid thing: I planned through my entire pregnancy, that if she was a girl, I would name my second daughter Carol Ann. I took one look at her and knew she wasn't a Carol Ann. I had no other name.
When the nurse came around asking, I didn't have anything to tell her. "You can do it later," she said.
So I take my baby home and name her LeighAnn.
Fourteen years later, she needed a social security number to get a part-time job, and I couldn't find her birth certificate, so I called Lincoln and they had no person by that name. "What?" says I, now in a panic.
So the kind lady and I talked it over. I knew the date and hospital and time of birth, and eventually she found the record. Yes, my daughter was legally named Baby Girl for all those years because I neglected to give her a name. Hey, I was busy, you know?
So we got her name changed and a new birth certificate.
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