This first site about Spiritual Gifts Analysis is an in depth site that uses the format I've used in written assessments. You can do a free spiritual gift analysis at this site.
The second one is a Spiritual Gifts Test Inventory and while it is shorter, it is still a good one. I believe the full analysis gives a better snapshot of yourself, but some people prefer this inventory because of the shorter format.
If you take one of these tests, remember to answer quickly--don't sit and think about it. Go with your gut. You'll get the most accurate self-assessment that way.
Some of you might wonder why this is such a tip. Well, if you know about yourself and where your strengths lie, it is much easier to get along with others. It's also easier to understand when someone takes charge of a situation that it's their gift in action. Besides, most people I know are striving to be the best person they can be. What a great way to improve yourself by knowing what your gifts are.
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