We touched on price matching back in this Tips on Tuesday: Grocery Smarts post, so I wanted to share the new Target information with you.
Target will price match same item products in their stores. According to the website, it is all stores nationwide. The item you are price matching must be in a current printed competitor advertisement. You will have seven days from the date of purchase to actually do the price match.
***PLEASE NOTE: You can NOT price match the item at the registers. You must pay full price in the checkout lane. The item will be rung up at the current price and you will need to go to Guest Services (customer service counter) to do the price adjustment (a.k.a. price match).
While I'm glad Target is price matching again, it is a much more cumbersome system and not as user friendly as the Wal-Mart system at the checkout lane. I feel they designed it to discourage price matching--especially on groceries. Part of me wants to rebel and go price match every item I purchase out of the grocery section. Part of me wants to forget it and just keep shopping at Wal Mart. I have not yet tried price matching at Target. I will point out it would be terrific for toys and other larger ticket items!
For all of the disclaimers and the complete list of exclusions to the price match program, please visit Target's Our Low Prices Promises & Facts page.
One final note--it does not state anywhere online that I could find about the actual ad. I will assume you must show the competitor's ad in order to receive the price match. It doesn't state that online (as far as I saw), but it will be my assumption that no ad, no price match. If I'm wrong, please post and let me know!
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