For those of you who check on Tuesday morning, you'll notice this post is really late. For that, I apologize. I try to write these in advance so they automatically post.
Today--and this week--and this month--and this year has been an incredibly focused year. We've had each of the kids in various therapies and I have to say that I'm getting tired. It's not the usual exhaustion of having three kids running around and keeping me up late and getting me up early--it's a deeper exhaustion. It's bone deep. The kind that starts to permeate every fiber of your being and make you feel like many days you're just slogging through mud.
And out of this day, I have come to a realization. I've let the most important thing slip. In my focus to help my kids and keep my marriage strong during trying times, I've let my relationship with God slide to the back seat. While I continue to read His word, I've forgotten to keep my communication going with Him.
I realize that it's an area where I need to get back to the basics. I've used many different prayer formats and acronyms over the years, but the one speaking to my heart during my present circumstances is A.S.A.P. (Always Say A Prayer) So often I feel the need to 'urgently' do something. Or I'm being asked to get things done ASAP.
I decided that the feeling of urgency or someone asking for an ASAP is my signal to take a deep breath and say a quick prayer before diving in. I know from past experience that if I once again begin to lay everything before the Lord in prayer, many of the details will fix themselves. He provides the 'peace that passes understanding' and I know that I am one who needs that kind of Peace which can only be found through the Lord Jesus Christ.
So as today ends and my post goes up so very late, I already took the time to A.S.A.P.
Praying with you and for each of you. May your day be richly blessed!
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