Let me begin with a little explaination. I usually try to 'tip' you with great ideas to save money, time, lifestyle ideas, etc. I've been saving this post for months--just waiting for the right moment to share. I wanted a day when we all need a really good belly laugh. I think today is that belly-laughing day. Before reading farther, please grab a tissue or two...once you see and read this post, I hope you'll be laughing so hard you'll be crying. I cry (from belly laughing) everytime I visit the following site. I'm reading backwards to the beginning. I consider it a theraputical website.
All of the following photos and most of the captions/quips are from a fantastic, award winning website. Check it out at www.cakewrecks.com.
The following is the description of their website:
What is a Cake Wreck?
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Would you like to see the cake that inspired it all?? I'm sure you've seen this one before...
Best Wishes Suzanne--and underneath that, We will Miss You
I think the decorator totally understood what was being asked of her.

Welcome Baby in Pink (see--the decorators are following instructions to the last letter...maybe white icing wasn't the look the cake buyer was going for?)
Miss Jen, CakeWrecks owner, has a LOT to say about this cake. One of my favorite points is to notice that the poor gal has been spanked so hard that she's now flying several feet off of the ground. But this cake is truly ok for the office because they did put the big red "DON'T" symbol on it. Check out the whole post here.

In case you weren't sure, it's a foot. With possible toenail fungus. I'm not sure what the lumpy look is--perhaps it's a genetic condition? Keep in mind--this is a real cake and people were supposed to eat it. Bon Appetite!

Some cakes speak for themselves.
Here's the real mascot:

Here's the cup cake version:

I see how they are VERY much the same logo. No changes at all.

I implore you to read the whole Good Luck in China cake post. I'm telling you it's a MUST read for people everywhere. (You've got tissues at the ready, correct??)
At first, I thought the wreckage was the fireman that looks like a girl. But that's not the main commentary. Check out the hose that man/girl/person is holding. Nope, you're not the only one with your mind in the gutter. Just go read the post. I'm telling you it's worth it!!!!
This is my all time, hands down favorite blog. It ALWAYS makes me laugh, and sometimes the comments are as fun as the cakes!
Robyn...this is HILARIOUS!!! I was laughing so hard and when I told Galen what I was laughing about he thought I was crazy!:) Thanks for sharing this.:)
Robyn - Thank goodness I finished my coffee before reading this post. I would have spit it all over my computer! I am still laughing about the "China" and "Falker Satherhood" ones. I am heading out to Cake Wrecks now to see more!
I'm with all of you. We go out there as a family and search the archives. We're working our way back through the 08 posts so we don't miss anything.
The recent "Uterus" cakes were odd, yet I couldn't stop laughing!
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