Nathan asked, "Is Hip Hop one of my therapies?"
I told him no--Andrew did baseball for a sport this summer and you picked Hip Hop. If you don't want to go, we'll pull you out and you don't have to go.
Nathan: I don't have to go?
Mom: Not if you don't want to.
Nathan: OK, since it's not therapy, I'll go.
If that doesn't bring on a moment of Mommy-guilt, you've got a stronger will than me! I remind myself that we're doing all this to further his life and his opportunities. We're trying to pave the way for an easier time at school and in social situations. does bring Mommy Guilt.
Nathan is doing Listening Therapy this summer to help mature his Auditory Processing System. He's also been taking "Handwriting Classes"--which are a lot more fun than they sound. It's an Occupational Therapist (OT) working with him on all sorts of games and toys (these games and toys just might help with both fine and gross motor skills) with about 10 minutes of actual writing thrown in. Top that off with piano lessons (fine motor builder--and if you live in this house, you have the 'opportunity' to play piano) and a summer bowling league (a gross motor builder that we bill as fun) and I see where he is getting the idea that Hip Hop might be another therapy disguised as fun.
Here are some photos from Hip Hop class. They are a little blurry/shadowed since I'm taking them through a two-way mirror. His final class is later this week and I'm hoping to get a good video of their dance.
Nathan is so happy to have a friend from school at hip hop. The red-headed girl in the pink shirt is in his grade at school. Miss S and Nathan really hit it off in class. He's had a great time and is doing really well.

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