We took off shoes and stood in line for the inflatables. Rebekah wouldn't let me get a photo of her looking 'normal'. I finally got this one showing off the bottoms of her Dora sandals. Nathan was all smiles waiting for his turn.

Nathan went through the obstacle course first. He did great with the climbing wall.

Rebekah needed a little help so she went through with Andrew. He's a great helper for her and they work well together. (She listens to him giving instructions better than when she listens to me.)

Once she understood how to climb the wall, she was off with Andrew on her heels. Then coming down the slide....

Andrew following behind her. They had fun. Rebekah would have made Andrew do this all day if I hadn't distracted her with the games.

We tried to open the treasure chest, but picked the wrong keys.

Then we went to Plinko. Since Andrew & Poppa built us our very own Plinko board last year, we've got a lot of practice. They both won nice prizes.

Then we did the pig races. Looked like Rebekah's pig would win, but Nathan's pulled ahead in the last few steps and he won.
And then, Andrew loves the ring toss game where you 'win' free 2 litres of pop. Now, keep in mind he won't drink pop, but it's his favorite game to play. I finally had to get a cart to take the pop to the van. If you didn't win a pop, you got a piece of candy. Rebekah wanted candy so she stood in line. Wouldn't you know it--she WON a bottle of pop. She snuck a candy when the gal wasn't looking, too. Andrew already won a pop before Rebekah, then he won another one on his turn and Nathan won the 4th bottle of the day. I took all that to the car and wouldn't you know it, Andrew won a 5th one while I was gone. We're pop happy here.

Then we did the pig races. Looked like Rebekah's pig would win, but Nathan's pulled ahead in the last few steps and he won.
And then, Andrew loves the ring toss game where you 'win' free 2 litres of pop. Now, keep in mind he won't drink pop, but it's his favorite game to play. I finally had to get a cart to take the pop to the van. If you didn't win a pop, you got a piece of candy. Rebekah wanted candy so she stood in line. Wouldn't you know it--she WON a bottle of pop. She snuck a candy when the gal wasn't looking, too. Andrew already won a pop before Rebekah, then he won another one on his turn and Nathan won the 4th bottle of the day. I took all that to the car and wouldn't you know it, Andrew won a 5th one while I was gone. We're pop happy here.
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