One Little Word--did you take my challenge earlier this year? If you're not sure what I mean, check out these posts about my One Little Word for this year. My 2009 word is Cherish.
We're getting to the midway point of the year and I'm one who likes to reflect along the way and make sure I'm accomplishing what I set out to do. While I know I stumble some days, I think I'm getting closer to my desired goal with Cherish. I also believe the Lord is leading me to an even deeper understanding about why this is my word for the year.
I'm learning that now, more than ever, I need to take my family and circle our wagons. With all we've been doing and working on with Nathan and the gifted/autism challenges, I'm pulling us together as a family. (For more on Nathan's 2E/Twice Exceptional world, check out www.coolestchildren.com.) Nathan hasn't faced very much opposition to him, but I do get resistance from friends and educators and health care professionals. By pulling us together as a united family and helping each of us cherish the others in the family, we're becoming a united front. Each of us becomes the mama bear if another one is threatened (or harassed or teased). While there's still sibling fighting at home, they reserve that right for themselves. You will not have the privilege if you aren't one of us.
This is also true for my parents, my sister and my in-laws. I've talked more to my in-laws this year than I have in a very long time. I've been working to revitalize my relationship with my Mother-In-Law. I've made a point of telling her how grateful I am that when MIL's come up, I have no complaints. She has graciously gone out of her way to be a wonderful friend and helper to me throughout my entire marriage. Now my folks and my sister would tell you I haven't talked to them as much lately, but we do manage to keep up on each other.
My friends was another area I wanted to focus on. I've cut back over the years with my busyness to make time for family. I'm now extending some of that time to friends. I've reconnected with friends through dinners, lunches and phone calls. Even Facebook has helped me reconnect with people I haven't seen in years. I'm working at picking up the phone when I think about these friends. I'm still not perfect, but I feel closer to some of my friends than I have in years. It's been extra nice to have a neutral sounding board as we consider all the options before us for our kids, but especially Nathan.
The Lord. Since He was the one who gave me the word Cherish, I knew I needed to put Him into my list for this year. I've been working to be open to His plan and carrying out His will for me. I know I've messed up on more than one occasion, but I'm grateful that God forgives me and lets me try again. The boys had a challenge put to them from their Sunday School teachers. They managed to earn a pizza party for reading their Bibles. Now they are continuing on the daily readings. A chapter a day (M-F) gets you through the New Testament in one year. They are now doing their daily readings which also helps me. It's tough for Nathan to get through all the words, so I read him his chapter. It's been good for both of us to hear the Word of God read each day. I'm really enjoying this time with Nathan and it is strengthening my relationship with God as well.
Hope you've enjoyed your One Little Word this year. Give yourself a check up and see how it's going.
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