Well, it's a week later and we are 'almost' finished with repainting the two bathrooms. I've put some before and where we're at photos of both.
The master bath is one shade lighter than the purple on the walls in the bedroom. Yes, Sean allowed this to happen--in fact, he suggested it. He's secure in his masculinity and has read the article about feminine bedrooms. You know the one--allowing your wife to have a feminine bedroom increases her desire to spend time in the bedroom and to spend it with her husband. (Enough said, I run a PG blog.)

Sorry the color is so hard to see. My battery is dying so I'm having to charge it again.
Here's a picture of the bedroom to show the awesome faux painting Sean did on one wall.

The powder bath is chocolate brown on the bottom and has chocolate brown and tan stripes from a chair rail height up. I REALLY wanted some gold flecks in the chocolate brown on the bottom, but that may not be able to be done. Sigh. However, Sean and the laser level did a fantastic job of making totally straight lines. He even touched every line up to make sure there were no squiggles in the lines. I'll post more pictures of it tomorrow when the new towel bar and tissue holder are up.
oh wow, that brown and the stripes are VERY cool and I am such a slug I forgot about bringing a lazer level to loan you. Did you buy one? They're a great tool! I love Jay's. Steal it a lot.
Wow, you guys did an awesome job. Does Sean have a new calling?? lol
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