May is officially 'Get Caught Reading' Month. There's even an entire literacy campaign of Get Caught Reading. It's sponsored by the American Association of Publishers. Before May is out, I wanted to post a few of our favorite posters from the website as well as my own kiddos 'caught' on film.
I'm excited to see Andrew's new middle school is absolutely dedicated to reading. Three days a week they spend their 20 minute homeroom time reading. They had posters of every teacher reading his/her favorite book.
And while May is 'Get Caught Reading', it's a lovely prelude to June and July--Summer Reading Clubs. If you have children, I encourage you to read to them, with them--and in front of them. Studies show that children who observe their parents reading for pleasure (the newspaper counts) are more likely to continue reading as they get older.
Here's one last shot of Nathan and his new bank. I was able to earn all these books for the kids, his bank and much more for FREE. I worked as a volunteer at the local book warehouse and we are paid with gift certificates to use during the big warehouse sale. I was getting some $15 books for $0.10 in the bargain alley. Picked up prizes to use for school next year and gifts galore. What fun!!!