Thought I'd let everyone see some of our Easter Weekend. We were unable to attend any of the Easter Egg Hunts this year since the boys had swimming lessons at about the same time as the egg hunts. Instead, while they were at lessons, I prepared an indoor hunt at the house. I didn't realize Sean & I had filled 80 eggs for the kids. They were thrilled. Below is Nathan with his haul of eggs and him hugging his new Seal Webkinz (named Swim).

I was feeding Rebekah lunch while the boys were on their way home. I thought she burned her mouth because she was suddenly pointing at it and whining. I told her to drink her milk if her mouth hurt. She threw her milk on the floor and pushed her plate of food to the side. This was right before she opened her mouth to yell and started throwing up. All over the highchair, her clothes and the floor. Yuck!
She was sick off and on all day Saturday. She was doing much better Saturday night. Sunday morning arrives and I'm contemplating taking her to church since I wondered if she had gotten a hold of a cup of bad milk to make her so sick. About the time I have this thought, she runs into our room, looks at me and has a huge poopy moment. Well, we had such moments all day. I took the boys to church since I was singing and Sean stayed home to change diapers and clothes.
She's was doing much better Mon/Tues morning, but then had several episodes yesterday afternoon. Hoping she's over it today!
Andrew had a great time with all of his eggs, too. Then we swiped some of each of the boys' eggs to give to Rebekah when she felt better. Her picture by her basket is with her in her PJ's. After messing up two outfits, I just went to the easy off zipper PJ's.
Below, she has taken the eggs the boys decorated and peeled off the flowers. They were plastic eggs with peel and stick foam stickers. Then we glued jewels to the flowers and glittered a few. She peels off the flowers and puts on her nose. Why? Who knows?!?
My favorite is the flower nose pic. Praise God, she's HEALED!
p.s. I just got orchids delivered from my agent! They're stunning!
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