1. Webkinz--the hottest toy since Tickle Me Elmo. The frenzy to get these creatures was only rivaled by the Beanie Baby craze of yesteryear.
2. Now Webkinz are more readily available. Why so cool? You get a stuffed animal with a code. When you activate the code, the Webkinz is 'alive' online. You have to earn money to buy food, clothes and add rooms/furniture to his house. You have to keep him happy and healthy. You can even take him to school at the Kinzville Academy.
3. Who cares about the crown? Only every gem hunter on Webkinz World. It takes 30 different jewels to make the crown. You can only look for one jewel per day---and some days you only find slag, no jewel. Then you end up with about a million of the common gems and none of the hard to find ones.

Elijah thinks that's COOL! He's adding up his jewels, too.
Claremarie is also a Webkinz junkie. Glad to know we aren't the only obsessed household.
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