He's wearing my 'purple person' T-shirt because the new character pillar is "Citizenship" and it's color is purple. Hmmm---wonder if I can buy myself one of those purple dog tags. Sure would make a nice necklace for all my purple clothes.
Oh, and on top of this award, Andrew was excited to be an anchor on the morning news again for part of this week (school news, not local). He's hoping to get another shot before the year is out. He was the meteorologist today and did a fantastic job!
Is this the morning news at school? Or on TV??
Yup, it's the news at school. However, in a much different world than the one I grew up in--they have their own TV station at school and TV's in every room. Hmmmm---remember how you had to go try to drag those dumb tall towers through the building without crashing into anything and without tipping it over?? Ah, those days are gone.
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