I have come to know a little friend through the blogging world. In a 6 degrees from Kevin Bacon sort of a way, I have learned all about him. My mother attends church with Kathy. Kathy is mother of Chris and Grandmother to Coy. (Does that make me 4 degrees from Coy?)
Coy is a micro-preemie. Weighing in at 1 pound 4 ounces at birth, I have fallen in love with him through the cyber-world. (This picture is Coy with his mama Ann Marie.)
Coy is a fighter and his parents and grandparents are strong in their faith and belief for Coy's medical healing. I stand firm with them because I know what the scriptures say. I know Jesus bore 39 stripes on his back to take every sickness and disease from us. I know Coy is a miracle who will change the hearts of many in the medical profession and beyond. We've heard so many miraculous things about Coy so far. I know it's because prayer-warriors all over the world are praying and agreeing for his health, growth and long life.
Please check out Coy's blog at http://www.prayforcoy.blogspot.com/ and pray for him when you think of him. I personally am looking forward to the day five years from now when I receive a picture of his first day of Kindergarten. I will cry all over on that day as I rejoice and praise God for all He has done!!!
You don't know me, but I'm Chris' first cousin, Todd, I constantly read prayforcoy, and see your comments, It is so awesome how God can use anything (like blogs) to enlarge his kingdom. I just wanted to tell you how cool it is that you put a post about coy on your blog. The prayer battle is not over yet!
Hi Robyn! We can't tell you how much we appreciate all your thoughtful comments and encouraging words! I am so thankful there are people like you who are praying for our baby boy! He is such a cutie and today opened both eyes! I can't quite get a good picture though because he closes them quickly. Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers! It means so much to us!
Chris, Ann Marie, and Coy Kolkhorst
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