OK---Before the show---Sean realizes that there's a great comedic photo opportunity and takes advantage of it. Don't know who the bald man is, but it's a funny shot!

Had the opportunity to see Mark Shultz in concert---again! This was Sean & my fourth time, Andrew & Nathan's second time and Rebekah's first concert where she wasn't a blob in a carseat. (Boy, can THAT be challenging.)
If you don't know Mark and his wonderful music, please click here for a sample (scroll down to #10--She was Watching). He wrote He's My Son, Letters from War, I Am, Child of Mine, Broken and Beautiful and Walking Her Home--to name a few.
If you don't know Mark and his wonderful music, please click here for a sample (scroll down to #10--She was Watching). He wrote He's My Son, Letters from War, I Am, Child of Mine, Broken and Beautiful and Walking Her Home--to name a few.
Andrew took his birthday money and purchased two piano books. He and his friend Casey (who is also a piano player) sat and followed along in the music books with Mark.
Nathan got tired and was laying in my lap for quite a while, but apparantly that was enough resting for him. After that, he popped up and was playing air drums.
Rebekah wanted to run around in the hallway. Fine before the concert started and even at intermission. However, during the show, you gotta sit down baby girl! She chose Daddy as her favorite for the evening. I believe his arm is still numb from holding her all night. When Mark sang his song, She Was Watching about a girl (his wife) learning about faith from watching her parents--especially her Daddy--Rebekah had snuggled into Sean's arms for big hugs and cuddles. I was crying hard for that. Listening to the song about Daddy putting his little girl to bed and praying over her while watching my baby girl snuggled in was over the top. Especially if you know that Daddy is the one that holds her while she drifts off to sleep and puts her in bed. Sniff--I'm crying again.

After the show, we took the opportunity to stand in line and get our "annual" picture with Mark. He signed Andrew's books and one of the helpers took this great picture for us. (God bless you, whoever you were---I never get to be IN the photos.)
We all had a blast. And when you realize that everytime the audience clapped, Rebekah KNEW it was her personal applause, it was a great night.
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